Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"Top results are reached only through pain. But eventually you like this pain. You’ll find the more difficulties you have on the way, the more you will enjoy your success." --Juha Vaatainen

I went for a leisurely 3.75 mile jog yesterday, after a 4-day weekend hiatus. After resting for such a long period, I thought I'd be able to hit it hard and tack another 5-6 miles to my weekly mileage. Not so. My shin splints and joint pain were too much to bear and I stopped at 3.75.

*Here's a little backstory on my shoes: they were my first pair of "serious" running shoes. I did my own consumer research and looked on various websites for the best pricing. They served me well, accumulating close to 1,000 miles on their soles (nearly 500 more than a pair of shoes should earn).

ANYWAY, following this run, I found myself at Salt Lake Running Company, begging a guy named Lance to fix my broken legs. He looked at the soles of my tattered Asics and told me what I already assumed - that i need more of a stability shoe to prevent my pronation. I walked on the treadmill to be sure that my legs aligned properly in the new shoes (they did) and told Lance I would take them. 30 minutes and $144 later, I was the proud owner of some new Mizuno Wave Inspires, complete with support insoles. I have high hopes that they will relieve some of the stress on my legs.

Over the weekend, I also ventured over to GNC. I've had suspicions that I am deficient in a plethora of nutrients, so I self-diagnosed. I returned home with over $80 worth of supplements: TriFlex (Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM for joint health), high potentcy women's multi-vitamin, and an additional Calcium supplement (with added Magnesium). I now take 7 pills a day. Interesting observations of these supplements:
  • All pills are the size of a grape
  • The multi is green and smells like a horse pasture
  • Said multi has made my urine a sonic yellow/green color (in a radioactive-like fashion [sorry for the TMI])
  • Having to remember to take said multi TWICE a day might prove difficult.
I'm thinking these changes will help me work through the pain of training (a pain I don't think I'll EVER like). I can't wait to take my new kicks for a spin. Until then, I'll hope that my radioactive urine isn't a sign of something negative.


Leigh Hadlock said...

oh goodness.. radioactive urine? eek! ha ha.. all of this talk about running makes me wanna get out and run!

KB said...

Radioactive urine, massive amounts of H20 and pain....why wouldn't you want to run! j/k
I hope your new shoes make a difference for you!!

Marianne said...

bright yellow pee is one of my favorite things about taking vitamins. Its a nice reassurance that you're getting enough B vitamins :)