Thursday, June 3, 2010


I'm completely stealing this idea from a blog I stalk (Bits of B)...and I know it's after midnight, but I thought I'd let the creative juices flow for a few minutes before beddie-bye. Feel free to play along if you feel so inclined...
If I was a season, I’d be Fall
If I was a piece of furniture, I'd be a Chaise Lounger
If I was a country, I'd be England
If I was a food, I'd be a Minestrone Soup

If I was a candy, I'd be a Sour Patch Watermelon

If I was a flower, I'd be a Phalaenopsis Orchid
If I was a song, I'd be In Repair by John Mayer
If I was an instrument, I'd be a Snare Drum
If I was a color, I'd be Red
If I was a letter, I'd be an email
If I was a book, I'd be Confessions of a Shopaholic
If I was a time of day, I'd be Midnight
If I was a drink, I'd be Diet Coke

If I was a holiday, I'd be Thanksgiving

If I was a store, I'd be Target

If I was a word, I'd be "panache"
If I was a person, I’d be me - and I'd change the world
If I could know the future, I wouldn't worry so much about the outcome of my life.


{she + him} said...

Your IF's aren't really IF's they're DEFINITELY'S! I laughed when I read "panache" you would always say that word...cheers to being true to yourself! long live redstace...

mCat said...

Love this game!

Red is most def you!

Roo said...

This is great!! I might just steal this game...