Saturday, June 20, 2009

Eye Candy

So...I go away to Idaho Falls for not even two days, and when I get home, I have this to greet me. Happy girl? I think so...tasty.


Heidi said...

I'm sorry but, who is that?

c a n d a c e said...

This is a beautiful beautiful man called Ryan Reynolds. Mmmmm yummy. He is the main guy in The Proposal (just came out this weekend).
Love you Stace!

Heidi said...

Thank you for enlighting me. I just watched the preview for that. Glad to know there is some yummy body underneath that sexy suit in the preview. Sure wish he'd wax though. Only my hubby can have that much hair and still look good.

Stacey said...

oh yes, he is definitely yummy. that cover completely sealed the deal with him...but i was pretty well sold beforehand. and no waxing necessary. i think he's pretty damn sexy just the way he is :)

Ashlee Garn said...

YUMMY!!! :)

tiburon said...

I could do laundry on those abs.

I just wish he wasn't so hairy...